RFID Inventory

This section is only for RedBeam users who use RFID tagging. If you only use RedBeam asset tracking as detailed prior to this section, skip the following.

To use the Inventory functions on the mobile RFID device, an inventory must be opened in the full application on a PC or laptop under Manage inventory first.



When taking a physical inventory, users may travel from room to room in a building and scan, enter or RFID-read each asset found.


A list of all assets will be displayed in the grid until location filters are selected.


Select the Company, Building and Room where the assets to be scanned, entered or RFID-read reside. If only one Company exists, only the Building and Room fields will display.


Once the Room is selected, only the assets in that Room will be displayed with Unfound assets defaulted to the top of the list. This gives the user an idea of the assets they should look for during the inventory.

A user can type or scan Asset ID or Serial #. Please note that the Asset ID and Serial # are case sensitive. But if reading RFID tags, push the trigger on the RFD40 RFID sled to read multiple tags at one time. The RFID tags that were read will display in the grid including unknown tags.


If scanning or entering one Asset ID at a time, the asset details will automatically display. If reading multiple RFID tags, click the Asset ID you wish to see in greater details from the now-populated grid. From here, users can make any other changes needed to the asset (i.e., assignment to a new Person or Department) and then click Save to mark the asset as Found.



The user can then move on to the next asset in the room and repeat the process until all assets found in that room are updated.

The screenshot above shows the grid after a user pushed the trigger on the sled while around RFID tags, both of which are already in the system and assigned to assets as well as those labeled as “Unknown Tag” which are not saved in the system.


To edit an asset, click the Asset ID in the grid.


Assign unknown tags to a new asset by clicking the desired “Unknown Tag” in the grid and entering the asset information. The system will conveniently suggest an Asset ID that is one number higher than the current highest Asset ID already in the system. This can be overwritten.


Unknown Tags cannot be assigned to existing Asset IDs. To associate an Unknown Tag with an existing Asset ID, please use the Associate Tag function prior to taking inventory of that item.


To save the records as found, click the Mark Found button. This will not mark unknown tags as found but will mark all others as found.

If you would prefer to not have unknown tags displayed, turn off the Show Unknown Tags toggle at the bottom of the screen.


The user can then move to the next room, change the Room value to the new location and then scan the assets or read the RFID tags there and continue the process.

If the asset was found in a different room than the system expected, a message will notify the user and give them a choice to update the Room value to the new room or to keep the previous Room value.