
The Roles tab enables Admin, and those assigned access to the Roles tab, to create custom roles with specified access to pages, features and views dependent upon device.


To create a new role from scratch, click the button.


To create a new role from a copy of an existing role, select the desired role from the grid and click the button.


Create the title of the new role under “Role Name” and write short details about the role under “Description.”


An Overview of the role-creation feature will initially be displayed, explaining that from this window, you may enable or disable the role’s access to menu pages, functions within each page, and viewership on different sized screens.


From this display, you can Enable or Disable a user role from receiving automatic access to new RedBeam features. If a No/Yes toggle described in the sections below is set to a “middle state” of neither yes or no, this Enabled or Disabled toggle will provide the default selection: Enabled for Yes and Disabled for No.


View documentation, detailing new RedBeam features in the Release Notes section of the RedBeam Knowledge Base.


The Overview window also includes the legend:



Click on the icons beside each page-name to cycle through them and assign whether the new user role has full visibility of the page, no visibility of the page, visibility of the page only on desktop/tablet, or visibility of the page only on mobile devices.


Click on any of the page-name tabs in this window to get started and unselect the tab to return to the Overview.



The Dashboard is only available to view on desktop/tablet. Configure the icon to for the user to access the page and to hide it for this user role.


From the dashboard, a user with access to do so can export data as XLSX, XLS, CSV, HTML and PDF for the assets by their asset type and the assets by building.


You may choose to enable or disable these functions for this role with the No/Yes toggles.


The Update page is only available to view on mobile devices. Configure the icon to for the user to access the page and to hide it for this user role.


From the Update page, a user can delete an asset, create a copy of an asset, edit an asset and delete attachments. Users can also have visibility of asset Details, Accounting information, Checked Out details, Custom fields, Maintenance logs, Attachments and asset History.


You may choose to enable or disable these functions for this role with the No/Yes toggles.


The Assets database is only available to view on desktop/tablet. Configure the icon to for the user to access the page and to hide it from the user.


From the Assets page, users can import, export, print labels and mass delete with the following icons.

User can customize columns for their personal use with the icon, create an asset with the button, and delete, copy and update a record with the following buttons.

From this page, users can also click into an asset record from the grid and view its information by tab.

You may choose to enable or disable these functions for this role with the No/Yes toggles.


The Transactions page may be available to view on desktop/tablet and mobile devices. Configure the icon to for the user to access the page via desktop/tablet, for the user to access the page only via mobile devices, to configure user access of this page for all devices, or to hide the page for this user role.


Within the Transactions page there are two subpages: Check Out and Check In.

Check Out

The Check Out page may be available to view on desktop/tablet and mobile devices. Configure the icon to for the user to access the page via desktop/tablet, for the user to access the page only via mobile devices, to configure user access of this page for all devices, or hide the page for this user role.


From the Check Out page, users can check out assets to a Person within the organization for short-term or long-term use, applying additional information regarding the transaction on the Details pane including Due Date, Reference #, Project, Location, and Notes

You may choose to enable or disable these functions for this role with the No/Yes toggles.

Check In

The Check In page may be available to view on desktop/tablet and mobile devices. Configure the icon to for the user to access the page via desktop/tablet, for the user to access the page only via mobile devices,  to configure user access of this page for all devices, or hide the page for this user role.


From the Check In page, users can check in previously checked out assets after selecting a Location. This will update the location of the asset record once saved. From the Details pane, additional information about the transaction can be added in the Notes field.


You may choose to enable or disable these functions for this role with the No/Yes toggles.


The Inventory page is available to be viewed on desktop/tablet and mobile devices. Configure the icon to to allow users on desktop/tablet and mobile devices to access the page, to allow only desktop/tablet users access, to allow only mobile devices access, and  to deny desktop/tablet and mobile users access to the page.


Within the Inventory page there are two subpages: Manage and Take


The Manage page allows users to view Active and or Closed inventories.


The Active pane is only available to be viewed on desktop/tablet. Configure the icon to for the user to access the page and to hide it from the user.

Users can open new inventory sessions by clicking the button from the Active page, close an inventory session in its Details pane and update Asset Inclusion Criteria.

You may choose to enable or disable these functions for this role with the No/Yes toggles.

Users can view a high-level overview of closed inventory session on the Closed pane.

A closed inventory’s Details and Asset Inclusion Criteria can be viewed by clicking on the inventory name in the grid.

Closed inventories can be deleted by clicking the button located in the bottom right corner of the Details and Asset Inclusion Criteria panes.


You may choose to enable or disable these functions for this role with the No/Yes toggles.


The Take page is available to be viewed on desktop/tablet and mobile devices. Configure the icon to to allow users on desktop/tablet and mobile devices to access the page, to allow only desktop/tablet users access, to allow only mobile devices access, and to deny desktop/tablet and mobile users access to the page.


From the Take page, users can update an asset by marking it as Found as well as update other Asset information found in the Details, Accounting, Custom, Maintenance and Attachments panes of the Asset. Users can also view if the asset is currently Checked Out as well as the asset’s History.

You may choose to enable or disable these functions for this role with the No/Yes toggles.


The Reports page and its five subpages: All Assets, Checked Out Assets, Checked In Assets, Transactions, and Inventory are only available to be viewed on desktop/tablet. Configure the icons to for the user to access the pages and to hide it from the user.

Each Report displays a Filter By tab and Saved Filters tab.


Users can save shared saved filters with the icon and personal saved filters with the icon on the Filter By tab. Shared saved filters can be seen and used by all users in the account with access to the Saved Filters tab. Saved filters, whether shared or personal, allow a user to save a set of filter criteria.

Users can remove saved filters by selecting the saved filter and clicking the icon on the Saved Filters tab.


Users can customize column order and visibility for personal viewership by browser with the icon, and can export reports with the icon.


You may choose to enable or disable these functions for this role with the No/Yes toggles.


The Setup page and its five subpages: Locations, Asset Data, Label Printing, Caption Override, and API are only available to be viewed on desktop/tablet.

Configure the icons to for the user to access the pages and to hide it from the user. By default, the Caption Override and API are hidden from the new user.


From the Locations sections, users can add and edit physical locations where assets can be assigned. RedBeam utilizes a three-tier nested hierarchy system of Company, Building and Room where a Room must belong to a Building which must belong to a Company.


Within each of the Companies, Buildings and Rooms pages, users can import location records with the icon, export location records with the icon, and delete location records with the  icon. From the Rooms page, users can print Room ID labels with the icon.


Users can manually create new locations with the button.

Users can click into a location record to edit its Details with the button once the updates are made, or users can delete the record with the button.

Users can view the history of the location record with the History pane.

You may choose to enable or disable these functions for this role with the No/Yes toggles.

Asset Data

From the Asset Data section, users can add and edit metadata dropdown options for the following fields: Departments, People, Projects, Asset Types, Manufacturers, Models, Vendors, Accounts, Conditions, and Statuses and five custom dropdown fields.

Within each of the pages, users can import records with the icon, export location records with the icon, and delete location records with the icon. From the People page, users can print Person ID labels with the icon.


Users can manually create new records with the button.

Users can click into a Department, Person, Manufacturer, and Vendor record to edit its Details with the button once the updates are made, or users can delete the record with the button.

You may choose to enable or disable these functions for this role with the No/Yes toggles.

Label Printing

From the Label Printing page, users can access the Label Templates and Sequential Printing subpages.

Label Templates

From the Label Templates page, users can create new label templates with the button, edit a label template with the button after updating the record, and delete a label template with the button.

You may choose to enable or disable these functions for this role with the No/Yes toggles.

Sequential Printing

From the Sequential Printing page, users can print a select number of labels with a preferred label template.

Caption Override

From the Caption Override page, users can configure the titles of the custom fields.

You may choose to enable or disable this function for this role with the No/Yes toggle.


The Access pages are available to be viewed on desktop/tablet and mobile devices. Configure the icon to to allow users on desktop/tablet and mobile devices to access the page, to  allow only desktop/tablet users access, to allow only mobile devices access, and to deny desktop/tablet and mobile users access to the page.


Within the Access page there are two subpages: Users and Roles.


From the Users page, users can add a new user with the button, click on a user in the grid to edit it with the button after updating the record and delete it by clicking the button.

You may choose to enable or disable these functions for this role with the No/Yes toggles.


From the Roles page, users can create a new custom user role with the , create a copy of a role from an existing role by clicking on the role proceeded by the button, can edit a role by clicking the button after updating the record, and can delete a role by clicking the button.


If updating a role that is already assigned to a user, the user should log out and log back in again while online for the updates to take effect.

You may choose to enable or disable these functions for this role with the No/Yes toggles.