
Check In & Check Out (CICO)

The Transactions tab allows the user to check items in and out to People. The person that the asset is checked out to can be different from the person that the asset is assigned to in the Details section of the asset record.

Check Out


To check out an asset to a Person, go to the Check Out tab under Transactions.


Select the Person the assets will be checked out to in the To field with the dropdown list or type the name or Person ID to filter. Alternatively, users can scan a Person ID barcode while the cursor is positioned in the To field.


Next, enter or scan the Asset ID of the asset and click the check mark to add the asset to the grid. If scanning, program the scanner to perform a carriage return after each scan to add the asset to the grid without clicking the check.


Users can check out multiple assets at a time and can click the X next to the asset in the grid to remove it.


A total count of the assets is displayed on the screen.



If desired, additional information about the transaction can be added in the Details tab. The detail fields include:


  • Due Date – The date an asset is due to be checked back in.
  • Reference Number – A number that the user wants associated with the transaction.
  • *Company – The Company to which the asset should be moved during the transaction.
  • Building - The Building to which the asset should be moved during the transaction.
  • Room - The Room to which the asset should be moved during the transaction.
  • Project – The Project that the transaction is associated with.
  • Notes – Any notes for the transaction.

*If the system is built out with only one Company, company will be excluded from the options to select from in this section.


When done, click the Check Out button to complete the transaction. Information about the Person that the asset is checked out to will display in the Checked Out section of the asset record.

An asset can be checked out to another Person without first checking it back in.

Check In


To check in an item, go to the Check In tab under Transactions.


Select the Company, Building and Room where the assets will be checked in to. Once these values are selected the first time, they will be remembered in the same browser until changed.


Next, enter or scan the Asset ID of asset and click the check mark to add it to the check in grid. If scanning, program the scanner to perform a carriage return after each scan to add the asset to the grid without clicking the check.


Click the X next to the asset in the grid to remove it.


A total count of the assets in the transaction is displayed on the screen.



If the location entered for this transaction differs from the previous location of the asset(s), a message will display. Continuing will assign the asset to the new location.


If desired, additional information about the transaction can be added in the Details tab. The detail fields include:


  • Notes – Any notes for the transaction.



When done, click the Check In button to complete the transaction.


If an asset is checked in, it can be checked in again without having to be checked out.