User Menu

The User Menu tab is accessed by clicking on the icon located in the top right corner of the application, revealing a drop-down displaying:

  • User Display Name
  • Profile
  • Help
    • Knowledge Base
    • Application Reset
  • Logout
  • Dark Mode
  • Version Number

The Profile menu reveals the display name of the logged in user, the user’s email address and assigned User Role.

The Contract ID is the unique ID assigned to your account.

From the Profile menu, a user can also reset his or her password.

Help reveals a link that will open in a separate tab to the Knowledge Base which includes the RedBeam User Guide, Release Notes, Support Chat, and the option to Submit Support Tickets where an application specialist will be in touch with you.

Application Reset will force sync your account if there are network disturbances


Users are prompted with a notification prior to confirming the application reset, warning that any updates that have not yet been synced to the cloud will be lost by proceeding. This will mostly impact offline users.


Logout will return the user to the Login screen.


Toggling the System Display to Dark Mode will invert the system colors.

The Version Number is automatically updated depending on software development of RedBeam.