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RedBeam 5-29-2024 Release Notes

New Feature: Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

  • Create Custom User Roles: Tailor user roles to match the unique needs of your
    organization. Define roles such as "Manager," "Team Lead," "Viewer," or “CICO” (Check In & Check Out) with distinct sets of permissions.
  • Granular Access Control: Specify precisely which features and pages of the application each user role can access, with the ability to grant access to pages on PC view, mobile view, both or neither.
  • Streamlined Accessibility: Empower users with access to only the tools and information they need to perform their roles effectively, promoting productivity and focus.
  • Enhanced Data Security: Admin users can now enforce stricter security measures by limiting access to sensitive functionalities. 

How to Get Started: 
Admin users can access the Role-Based Access Control settings from the “Access” panel. From there, you can create new roles, assign permissions, and manage user access. Our Knowledge Base article provides step-by-step guidance to help you configure RBAC according to your organization's requirements.


  • Improved Profile Menu: RedBeam's Profile Menu now includes an "Application Reset" option under the Help section, designed to aid in application synchronization during network disturbances. Further details are available in the Knowledge Base article.

  • New Asset History Report: RedBeam introduces a report for Asset History, which allows users to view timestamps of asset updates and identify the user responsible for these changes.